----------------------------------- Gregg Irwin's Freeware File Stamper ----------------------------------- The timestamp on a file is often one of the first things you check when you think there's a problem with a file. Being able to "tag" your files with a specific date/time makes it easier to identify bogus files quickly and easily, it also adds that "professional" air to your app when all your files have the same timestamp. So make your VB apps (and all your other apps) look more professional and forget trying to remember if version one was built at 03:24:17. You can use the timestamp as a version tag too. Version 1.0 = 01:00:00 Version 1.01 = 01:01:00 Version 1.1 = 01:10:00 Version 2.0 = 02:00:00 ----------------------------------- How to do it ----------------------------------- 1) Start File Stamper (it only runs as an icon) 2) Use the Set Stamp Date menu option to set the desired timestamp information. 3) Drag files from File Manager and and drop them on File Stamper. 4) You're done. What could be easier? ----------------------------------- How *else* to do it ----------------------------------- File Stamper 1.1 supports command line parameters to facilitate automatic, or batch, processing. The parameters it expects are FileSpec, Date, and Time, in no particular order. Each parameter should be separated by a space, formatted as follows: FileSpec /d /t